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楼主  发表于: 2012-06-10 18:52

 When is the right time to get married?

When is the right time to get married? Is there an ideal time?

When should you move from dating to being huand and wife? Every relationship is different. Every couple has different dynamics. You should get married when YOU feel the time is right. Not the society, not your family, You. You should get married when:

You are totally, madly, completely, head-over-heels in love. Not one-sided, only when it is reciprocated. You feel she is The One. There is no one better than her for you. No one gets you like she does. You feel you’ve been in the dating circle long enough and if you let her go, you’d be the biggest idiot on earth.

You are mature enough to understand what marriage really means. When you’re ready for real commitment. When you are responsible enough to take care of another person, support her financially, and emotionally. You should understand that it is a big move and would mean sharing your life with someone till the day you die.

You are in a real relationship where both of you are level-headed people, who respect each other. You have arguments and fights, but you deal with them like s, talk it out, not jump up and down like six-year olds. You know disagreements are part of your life. There’s no running away. You are a team. No one is superior to the other. You’re honest and open with each other and share everything, all your dreams and insecurities, and even your failures.

You feel you’re ready. You have waited long enough. You’re settled in your life and work. You know your goals and aspirations. You know what is to have a family, have a child. You’re not driven by societal or family pressures, or the fact that you’re aging quickly. You have come to this decision based on your feelings and thoughts.

There is no ideal time to get married. Only you and your companion know when it's right, no one else. Get married when you’re absolutely certain that no one makes you as happy as her. You could find that person at any age. There are no set rules. Just make sure you both are on the same page and when that happens, pop the question.  
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    级别: 荣誉元老
    状态: 未签到 - [759天/759次]
    UID: 89642
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    1楼  发表于: 2012-06-10 19:50
    When you both reach legal ages and both feel good about it.

