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楼主  发表于: 2012-06-07 21:33

 Mission successful: PLA Garrison in HK

A survey in Hong Kong shows public satisfaction with the People's Liberation Army's Hong Kong Garrison rising each year. CCTV reporter Xu Zhaoqun visited the garrison to find out how the PLA soldiers carry out their mission and get along with the locals.

The Hong Kong Garrison is the PLA's only unit with land, naval and air forces.

But what really makes them special is that they are a symbol of the Chinese government's resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong.

And they are also a firm guarantee for the long term stability and prosperity of the SAR.

The troops abide by both the national laws and the local laws and regulations. The garrison has become a window for the locals to understand the PLA.

General Wang jitang, commander, PLA HK Garrision, said, "Over the past ten years, we've consistently turned out elite and well-mannered troops. They are playing a irreplaceable role as a defender of Hong Kong."

In accordance with the Basic Law, the PLA Hong Kong Garrison does not interfere with the affairs of the SAR government. It maintains an effective and friendly working relation with the local government.

These soldiers of the People's Liberation Army defend the people of one of the world's freest economies. Many here weren't sure what to expect when the troops first came ten years ago. So how do they get along now? Let's go to the public day at the PLA Garrison.

Since the Return, the Hong Kong Garrison has held fourteen public days. A great deal of unnecessary mystery is dispelled when the locals visit these military venues.

The public days, which the British troops never held, seem quite useful to narrow the gap between civilians and soldiers.

Ten years ago, the deployment of an army subordinate to a socialist system was a concern for the Hong Kong people. Ten years later, when they handle the soldiers' weapons (children playing with the guns and posed to shoot in the picture) they have already accepted the troops as part of their lives.

The garrison is also active in community work. Just as in the Mainland, the soldiers plant trees and donate blood to help the society they serve.

