级别: 荣誉元老
UID: 30755
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楼主  发表于: 2010-06-03 16:58

 Terence Cosgrove, "Colloid Science: Principles, Methods and Applications"

管理提醒: 本帖被 silverks 执行加亮操作(2010-09-17)
Terence Cosgrove, "Colloid Science: Principles, Methods and Applications"
Wiley-Blackwell | 2010 | IN: 144432019X | 394 pages | PDF | 5,8 MB

Colloidal systems are important across a range of industries, such as the food, pharmaceutical, agrochemical, coetics, polymer, paint and oil industries, and form the basis of a wide range of products (eg coetics & toiletries, processed foodstuffs and photographic film). A detailed understanding of their formation, control and application is required in those industries, yet many new graduate or postgraduate chemists or chemical engineers have little or no direct experience of colloids.

Based on lectures given at the highly successful Bristol Colloid Centre Spring School, Colloid Science: Principles, Methods and Applications provides a thorough introduction to colloid science for industrial chemists, technologists and engineers. Lectures are collated and presented in a coherent and logical text on practical colloid science.


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