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级别: 副教授
UID: 37333
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楼主  发表于: 2011-08-30 21:28

 [A Small Scale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques ]

[A all Scale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques ]

Donald L. Pavia (Author), Gary M. Lampman (Author), George S. Kriz (Author), Randall G. Engel (Author)

Product Details
Hardcover: 1005 pages
Publisher: Brooks Cole; 3 edition (Feb 2 2010)
Language: English
IN-10: 1439049327
IN-13: 978-1439049327

Product Description
Featuring new experiments, a new essay, and new coverage of nanotechnology, this organic chemistry laboratory textbook offers a comprehensive treatment of laboratory techniques including all scale and some microscale methods that use standard-scale ("macroscale") glassware and equipment. The book is organized based on essays and topics of current interest and covers a large number of traditional organic reactions and syntheses, as well as experiments with a biological or health science focus. Seven introductory technique-based experiments, thirteen project-based experiments, and sections on green chemistry and biofuels spark students' interest and engage them in the learning process. Instructors may choose to offer Cengage Learning's optional Premium Website, which contains videos on basic organic laboratory techniques.


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