dream a day dream, drink a long drink, i have nothing but daring...
级别: 荣誉元老
UID: 71895
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楼主  发表于: 2009-07-15 09:14

 Handbook of Chiral Chemicals, Second Edition (附上另一链接)

Handbook of Chiral Chemicals, Second Edition  

Book Description:

The Handbook of Chiral Chemicals, Second Edition highlights the problems associated with the production of chiral compounds on a commercial scale. The book begins with a general discussion of how key subclasses of the chiral pool are obtained. It extensively covers methods that can be used to introduce or control stereogenic centers, including asymmetric hydrogenations, oxidations, pericyclic reactions, and enzymatic methods. The text contains several examples illustrating applications of the methodologies used to prepare specific compounds. This second edition features new material that emphasizes successful new industrial approaches in this rapidly developing field.

[ 此帖被rendom.test在2009-07-16 08:47重新编辑 ]
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  • 如果所有的文献都抓得到, 所有的电子书都下载的了, 那是一件多幸福的事情啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~

