1.国际计算与信息技术杂志(International journal of computing and information technology)
刊号:ISSN 2790-170X
2.国际循证护理世界观杂志(International journal of worldview on evidence based nursing)
刊号:ISSN 2790-1750
3.国际教育研究与发展杂志(International journal of educational research and development)
刊号:ISSN 2790-5160
4.国际人文社会科学学术期刊(International academic journal of humanities and social sciences)
刊号:ISSN 2790-5179
5.国际商业与管理杂志(International journal of business and management)
刊号:ISSN 2790-5187
6.工程和科学研究前沿(Frontiers of engineering and scientific research)
刊号:ISSN 2790-5209