级别: 院长
UID: 81347
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威望: 1 点
愚愚币: 11388 YYB
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在线时间: 40(小时)
注册时间: 2009-12-08
最后登录: 2021-07-16
楼主  发表于: 2018-08-21 11:35


上海交大毕业生、电视台知名人士包坤美国康奈尔博士学位造假 尊敬的新语丝编辑好,      近期我们发现中国的各大电视台科普频道,还有创业求职节目中活跃着一个
康奈尔物理“博士”包坤。   此人声称在美国读书期间创业,赚了100万美元,然后又回国创业,公司估
值1亿美元。 成为青少年偶像。     此人还在朋友圈里侮辱方舟子老师,我们极其愤慨。请见附件   详情可见百度百科   http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=gYcrJz766rCVAZj0AbFiVwxvODk_hkB0dhNZjJLCapfRGpi3r1ks_gpl-y4CQSi67I5Ex8BoMijvoX3Gmel-V--7khY6vhWawzXVov7KKua
  但是从其领英履历来看,此人在康奈尔物理系只呆过两年。    https://cn.linkedin.com/in/kun-bao-40a84915?trk=prof-samename-name   我们用谷歌查询Kun Bao Thesis Cornell University, Kun Bao
Dissertation Cornell University, 并未发现他的博士论文,美国的博士论文
或者学业上出了问题,被迫中断学业肄业回国。    包坤假话连篇,说多了自己都信了。比如2012年节目中他说因为结婚,才回
电视节目上大放厥词,招摇撞骗,误导青少年。 网络上甚至还有低级下流的帖
子,海归创业公司估值1亿美元,海归美女心甘情愿做他小三这样的帖子。    包坤一大特点就是不同场合说不同专业,一会物理, 一会物理化学, 一会
熟人了解到他曾在化学与生物化学系,********是M H教授。 可怜上海交大,康奈尔
的校友,都会因此而蒙羞了,也让国内公众对于留学生的可信度打上问号。 让
诚信奋斗的留学生们情何以堪?     已经获取包坤造假的关键证据,  发件人:
Melissa A. Hines
  收件人:XXX   Dear XXX,   Kun Bao did not pass his oral exam for his Masters degree in
chemistry at Cornell University. As such, he was never admitted to Ph.D.
candidacy at Cornell University. He has no degrees from our
institution and is no longer a student here.   I know nothing about his business ventures.   With regards,   Melissa   On Oct 18, 2016, at 11:45 PM, XXX wrote:   Hello Prof. Hines,
  Good day. This is XXX, Professor of Physics from XXX University in
China, as well as a part time science TV program editor in XXX TV
station in China. I am inquiring about a former Ph.D. student Kun Bao
of yours, who claimed to have obained a Ph.D. degree majored in
physical chemistry, Cornell University (around 2010-2012). His
undergraduate study was majored in material science in Shanghai
Jiaotong University. His resume looks specious, since we do not
believe someone could obtain a Cornell Ph.D. in 2 years.
  Currently he is very active in a lot of science channels or TV
programs to influence young people in China with his title of Cornell
Ph.D., but sometimes during the program he mentioned he got a master
from Cornell, which confused public. Recently it is said that his Ph.D.
study in Cornell is incomplete, and he indicated that he will some day
return to Cornell for his final defense. He also mentioned that he has
conducted business in USA and earned a million dollar with his
brilliant business ideas, and he has started up a business after his
returning to China with a company valued a 100 million US dollars, so
that he has become a famous public figure in young people in China.
The public is suspicious of his achievement, since his resume in
Linkedin suggests that he has kept working in various companies after
2012, which renders him very difficult to manage his own business well.
And no information could be inquired about his startup business in
China.    I would like to verify whether he has indeed obtained his Ph.D. or
master degree. If you could kindly provide this information, I will
appreciate it very much.    Thank you very much and best regards   XXX     此人在电视台非常活跃,误导公众,混淆视听,北美留学生,海归名声构成
知名打击,望各位老师能出手,利用您的声望,维护留学生生态圈。 (XYS20161026)(SciFans.Net)

