级别: 荣誉元老
UID: 1021
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威望: 243 点
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在线时间: 968(小时)
注册时间: 2006-06-27
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楼主  发表于: 2009-08-24 23:54

 Reviews of Reactive Intermediate Chemistry

Reviews of Reactive Intermediate Chemistry
By Matthew S. Platz, Robert A. Moss, Maitland, Jr. Jones

* Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
* Number Of Pages: 472
* Publication Date: 2007-04-13
* IN-10 / ASIN: 0471731668
* IN-13 / EAN: 9780471731665
* Binding: Hardcover

Book Description:

The chemistry of reactive intermediates is central to a modern mechanistic and quantitative understanding of organic chemistry. Moreover, it underlies a significant portion of modern synthetic chemistry and is integral to a molecular view of biological chemistry. Reviews in Reactive Intermediate Chemistry presents an up-to-date, authoritative guide to this fundamental topic. Although it follows Reactive Intermediate Chemistry by the same authors, it serves as a free-standing resource for the entire chemical and biochemical community.

The book includes:

* Relevant, practical applications
* Coverage of such topics as mass spectrometry methods, reactive intermediates in interstellar medium, quantum mechanical tunnelling, solvent effects, reactive intermediates in biochemical processes, and excited state surfaces
* Discussions of emerging areas, particularly those involving dynamics and theories
* Concluding sections identifying key directions for future research are provided at the end of each chapter.

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