级别: 博士生
UID: 37358
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 Noise and Vibration Control Engineering: Principles and Applications

管理提醒: 本帖被 fengcai9999 从 化学工程讨论 移动到本区(2009-05-16)
ise and Vibration Control Engineering: Principles and Applications
by István L. Vér, Leo L. Beranek 

Noise and Vibration Control Engineering: Principles and Applications
By István L. Vér, Leo L. Beranek

Publisher:  Wiley
Number Of Pages:  976
Publication Date:  2005-11-11
IN-10 / ASIN:  0471449423
IN-13 / EAN:  9780471449423
Binding:  Hardcover

Product Description:
Noise and Vibration Control Engineering: Principles and Applications, Second Edition is the updated revision of the classic reference containing the most important noise control design information in a single volume of manageable size. Specific content updates include completely revised material on noise and vibration standards, updated information on active noise/vibration control, and the applications of these topics to heating, ventilating, and air conditioning.

Summary: Good source for more information
Rating: 5
Noise and Vibration Control Engineering: Principles and Applications looks to be a good source for a second book on noise control. By second book I mean a follow up to a good introductory book on Architectural Acoustics by Egan, Long, or Mehta et al. Long's book is very thourough.

Each Chapter is written by a recognized expert in the field. It covers theory, mathematical models, and some application.

While a few of the chapters are general, and many of them relate to building noise, the subject is not limited to buildings. As an example there is coverage of jet engine noise generation and propagation. I have only read it in sections to date, and am satisfied with it.

BTW - A good source for a hands on, non-theoretical approach is from ASHRAE, "A Practical Guide to Noise and Vibration Control for HVAC Systems".

Summary: Practical Use of Noise and Vibration Control Engineering
Rating: 5
The book has some very practical suggestions and formulas that can be used to control noise in real engineering problems. This it does by first reviewing the basic terms, definitions and international standards in acoustics. Several practical formulas for design of noise control systems are discussed and given in the text. Formulas for calculation of sound propagation in various practical situations are also given. I recommend this book to people who have an interest in reducing noise in most practical problems.
The book is also suitable to students in mechanical, aerospace, automotive, electrical, environmental, highways and building engineering who have an interest in acoustics or noise control problems. The book is however not suitable as a class textbook as not many formulas are derived neither are there many worked examples or tutorial problems that can assist a student to prepare for examinations.


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