级别: 荣誉元老
UID: 56068
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楼主  发表于: 2009-06-07 19:48

 Systat.SigmaPlot.v11.0 下载

Systat Software 发布了最新的 Sigmaplot 11,拥有强大咨询统计分析功能的首选绘图应用软件!这个最高级的科学绘图和统计分析软件现在拥有超过 50 个关键统计方法,和超过 100 种图像类别。

在改进了的图形模板和工具的基础上,SigmaPlot 11 为非统计学家的精确和快速数据分析提供了一整套的易用统计功能。不像其他分析绘图软件包、电子表格或商业绘图产品,SigmaPlot 11 同时提供完全的咨询统计分析功能,以及用于不匹配数据的精度、速度、数据分析和呈现的一整套图形模板和工具。 因为图形所有对象灵活的定制性符合科学和工程共用的精确要求,SigmaPlot 成为了知名的产品。

Sigmaplot 11 的新特性:

New User Interface - SigmaPlot 11 users can now enjoy an updated look, with additional features including the ability to streamline their customized workspace.
Complete Advisory Statistical ysis Features - Now users have an all-inclusive statistical ysis and technical graphing product that increases the number of usable scientific and engineering applications.
Global Curve Fitting - This feature enables users to easily share one or more equation parameters across multiple data sets.
Pre-Formatted Worksheets - Users can start by selecting the type of graph they want to create and a worksheet will be automatically created with the data format required for that graph, and data entered into the worksheet is immediately displayed on the graph.
Import Excel 2007 Files Directly - SigmaPlot 11 adds compatibility for Microsoft Office 2007.
2D Vector Plots - A display field of vectors in X, Y coordinates where both direction and magnitude are represented. A pop-up dialog box allows the user to specify arrow properties such as color, line thickness, and arrowhead length and angle. This graph can be used in fields where special data includes both direction and magnitude information.
Support for EMF Files - SigmaPlot 11 now includes support for importing or exporting Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) files, a new and improved 32-bit revision of the WMF format.
Improved 3D Graph Customization - SigmaPlot 11 now adds mouse selectability and editing of all 3D graph object properties.
100 Percent Vista Compliant - SigmaPlot 11 is fully Vista compliant and includes support for SigmaPlot help files.

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  • 菩提本无树,明镜亦非台!!!

