级别: 校办主任
UID: 46250
精华: 2
发帖: 2939920
威望: 478 点
愚愚币: 38005 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 19720(小时)
注册时间: 2008-07-06
最后登录: 2022-05-07
楼主  发表于: 2009-06-26 10:06

 求助,Discovery studio 2.1为什么装上了rdock不能用啊?

  Refines docked protein poses from ZDOCK using CHARMm energy minimization. Uses CHARMm to energy optimize a set of docked protein poses generated by the ZDOCK rigid-body docking method. The molecules must be typed with a supported forcefield.

  Name Refine Docked Proteins (RDOCK)
Status Error
User qxb1
System localhost (Windows32)
Start Time 2009-06-24 21:33:03
Finish Time 2009-06-24 21:34:46
Execution Time 00:01:43

Error Messages
  RDock.inp does not exist in C:/Program Files/SciTegic/web/jobs/qxb1/{clp9E6EC-4F4E-4704-9C88-240E779BCB33}/Intermediate
RDock.inp does not exist in C:/Program Files/SciTegic/web/jobs/qxb1/{clp9E6EC-4F4E-4704-9C88-240E779BCB33}/Intermediate
RDock.inp does not exist in C:/Program Files/SciTegic/web/jobs/qxb1/{clp9E6EC-4F4E-4704-9C88-240E779BCB33}/Intermediate
RDock.inp does not exist in C:/Program Files/SciTegic/web/jobs/qxb1/{clp9E6EC-4F4E-4704-9C88-240E779BCB33}/Intermediate
RDock.inp does not exist in C:/Program Files/SciTegic/web/jobs/qxb1/{clp9E6EC-4F4E-4704-9C88-240E779BCB33}/Intermediate

Input Files
  Input Poses poses.txt
Input Typed Ligand Protein antigen001.msv
Input Typed Receptor Protein antibody000.msv
Refine Docked Proteins (RDOCK) Protocol Protocol.pr_xml
poses.msv poses.msv

Output Files
  Refine Docked Proteins (RDOCK) Log Output.log

  Input Typed Receptor Protein ../Input/antibody000.msv
Input Typed Ligand Protein ../Input/antigen001.msv
Input Poses ../Input/poses.txt
Dielectric Constant 4.0
Beta 0.9
Parallel Processing False
Parallel Processing Batch Size 2
Parallel Processing Server localhost
Parallel Processing Server Processes 2
Parallel Processing Preserve Order True


