级别: 长江学者
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楼主  发表于: 2017-04-20 08:48

 Cambridge+Algorithmic Game Theory 9780511800481+350愚愚币+PDF+永久有效

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Frontmatter i-iv
Contents v-xii
Foreword xiii-xvi
Preface xvii-xviii
Contributors xix-xxi
I Computing in Games 1-2
1 Basic Solution Concepts and Computational Issues 3-28
2 The Complexity of Finding Nash Equilibria 29-52
3 Equilibrium Computation for Two-Player Games in Strategic and Extensive Form 53-78
4 Learning, Regret Minimization, and Equilibria 79-102
5 Combinatorial Algorithms for Market Equilibria 103-134
6 Computation of Market Equilibria by Convex Programming 135-158
7 Graphical Games 159-180
8 Cryptography and Game Theory 181-206
II Algorithmic Mechani Design 207-208
9 Introduction to Mechani Design (for Computer Scientists) 209-242
10 Mechani Design without Money 243-266
11 Combinatorial Auctions 267-300
12 Computationally Efficient Approximation Mechanis 301-330
13 Profit Maximization in Mechani Design 331-362
14 Distributed Algorithmic Mechani Design 363-384
15 Cost Sharing 385-410
16 Online Mechanis 411-440
III Quantifying the Inefficiency of Equilibria 441-442
17 Introduction to the Inefficiency of Equilibria 443-460
18 Routing Games 461-486
19 Network Formation Games and the Potential Function Method 487-516
20 Selfish Load Balancing 517-542
21 The Price of Anarchy and the Design of Scalable Resource Allocation Mechanis 543-568
IV Additional Topics 569-570
22 Incentives and Pricing in Communications Networks 571-592
23 Incentives in Peer-to-Peer Systems 593-612
24 Cascading Behavior in Networks: Algorithmic and Economic Issues 613-632
25 Incentives and Information Security 633-650
26 Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets 651-676
27 Manipulation-Resistant Reputation Systems 677-698
28 Sponsored Search Auctions 699-716
29 Computational Evolutionary Game Theory 717-736
Index 737-754
级别: 博士生
状态: 未签到 - [368天/368次]
UID: 125339
精华: 0
发帖: 939
威望: 25 点
愚愚币: 133 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 12234(小时)
注册时间: 2015-04-15
最后登录: 2018-05-16
1楼  发表于: 2017-04-20 11:51

