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UID: 124158
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楼主  发表于: 2018-03-06 16:27

 2018年物理新进展国际研讨会 (CAP-S)

2018年物理新进展国际研讨会 (CAP-S)

2018 Spring International Conference on Advances in Physics (CAP-S)

2018年4月23日-25日 中国,桂林

(CAP - S is one of the special tracks within the 2018 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology )

2018年物理新进展国际研讨会 (CAP-S)将于2018年4月23日-25日在桂林举行,该会议由工程信息研究院(ENGII)主办, 为来自全世界物理新进展领域的研究人员,工程师,科学家,教授以及学生提供了一个展示他们在该领域的最新研究成果的平台。同时,也为所有参会者提供了互相交流思想以及寻求全球合作伙伴的良好契机。我们真诚地邀请海内外知名学界代表出席会议并做并做精彩报告和学术论坛。

会议所有被录用的英文稿件将会发表在科研出版社的开源期刊"Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics" (ISSN: 2327-4352), google学术和知网收录。 

Prof. Eugene Kamenetskii, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Prof. Donald C Chang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Prof. Guillaume TRESSET, Université Paris-Sud, France
Prof. Qiuhe Peng, Nanjing University, China
Dr. Guohua Xie, Wuhan University, China
Prof. Alfred Y Shaikh, Indira Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, India
Dr.K.M.Prasad, GITAM University

Computational Physics 
Statistical and Non-linear Physics 
Computational Quantum Dynamics 
Fluid Dynamics
Computing in Crystallography 
Early universe 
Particle astrophysics 
Dark energy, dark matter 
Interplanetary medium 
Planetary physics 
Gravitational lens systems 
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena 
High Energy Physics/Nuclear Physics 
Quantum chromodynamics, strong interactions 
Physics beyond the Standard Model (colliders, rare processes, exotica) 
Physics of neutrino, neutrino oscillations 
astrophysics as related to particle physics 
Modern field theory, dynamics of strongly coupled theories 
Hadronic Structure, Parton Distributions, Spectroscopy 
Superstring theory and phenomenology 
Standard Model 
Nuclear Structure 
Reactor Physics 
Photonics and Optoelectronics 
Nonlinear Optics and Applications 
Photon Counting Applications 
Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Transfer and Processing 
Optical Sensors 
Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres 
Holography: Advances in Classical Holography and Modern Trends 
Harnessing Relativistic Waves as Novel Radiation Sources from Terahertz to X-rays and Beyond 
EUV and X-ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space 
Damage to VUV, EUV, and X-ray Optics 
Advances in X-ray Free-Electron Laser Instrumentation 
High-Power, High-Energy, and High-Intensity Laser Technology 
Medical Applications of Laser Generated Beams of Particles: Review of Progress Made in Recent Years 
Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons and Ions 
Research Using Extreme Light: Entering New Frontiers with PW-Class Lasers 
Electromagnetic theory 
EMC problems 
Radiation, propagation and diffraction 
Microwave remote sensing and polarimetry, SAR 
Radar sounding of atmosphere, ionospheric propagation 
Electromagnetic signal processing, wavelets, neural network 
Non-linear electromagnetic systems 
Quantum well devices, microwave photonic systems, PBG 
nonlinear media, fractal, chiral media 
EM circuits and systems 
Semiconductor physics and devices 
Physics, simulation and characterization 
Light emitters, photodetectors, photovoltaics 
High frequency and high power electronics 
New device concepts (spintronics) 
Other related topics 
Mechanical Response of Solids and Structures 
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 


1. 报告者:如果您只想参加会议并作口头报告,不出版论文,只需要提交摘要至会务组,经过评审后,将告知结果。注册成功的报告,将列入会议日程。有意者将摘要发送到会议邮箱scet@engii.org
2. 听众:注册成功的听众可以参加会议的所有分会。

Contact Person: Ms Rolin
Email: scet@engii.org
Tel : +86 151 7233 0844
Linkedin: SCET Conference
Wechat: Engii_vivian


