级别: 小愚愚
UID: 71511
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发帖: 323
威望: 48 点
愚愚币: -9595 YYB
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在线时间: 2491(小时)
注册时间: 2009-06-25
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楼主  发表于: 2010-05-24 09:35

 Handbook of GC/MS: Fundamentals and Applications

Handbook of GC/MS: Fundamentals and Applications

Handbook of GC/MS: Fundamentals and Applications
Wiley-VCH | Pages: 608 | 2001-04-18 | IN: 3527301704 | 22 MB

This is the first comprehensive reference work for GC/MS. It offers broad coverage, from sample preparation to the evaluation of MS-Data, including library searches. Fundamentals, techniques, and applications are described.
A large part of the book is devoted to numerous examples for GC/MS-applications in environmental, food, pharmaceutical and clinical ysis. These proven examples come from the daily practice of various laboratories.
The book also features a glossary of terms and a substance index that helps the reader to find information for his particular ytical problem. The author presents in a consistent and clear style his experience from numerous user workshops which he has organized. This is a thoroughly revised and updated English edition based on an edition which was highly successful in Germany.

[ 此帖被viviannegua在2010-05-24 18:02重新编辑 ]

