管理提醒: 本帖被 silverks 执行加亮操作(2011-05-27)
Graphene: Material of the Future, in Review
T. Lammert, L. Rozo and E. Whittier
Optical Engineering
Dr. K. Daneshvar
July 16, 2009
Materials are the basis of almost all new discoveries in science. The development of new materials can lead to the uncovering entire new fields of study, as well as new solutions to problems that may have been thought to be unsolvable. One such material is graphene, a deceptively simple arrangement of carbon atoms. This new material has leapt to the forefront of material science and has numerous possible applications. It also allows for the observation of electrons in an almost zero resistance environment. Graphene may not yet be commercially viable but in the coming years is almost certainly going to be applied in many different fields. This paper is a brief review of graphene and some of its properties and applications.