级别: 硕士生
UID: 124158
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发帖: 1271
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在线时间: 503(小时)
注册时间: 2014-10-27
最后登录: 2024-09-09
楼主  发表于: 2017-11-23 16:42

 第十一届光学与光电子国际学术会议(SOPO 2018)

第十一届光学与光电子国际学术会议(SOPO 2018)将于2018年8月18-20日在昆明举行。本届大会将继续遵循学术性、国际性的原则,特邀国内外光学与光电子领域内的学者专家前来参会,并做出精彩的报告。本次大会旨在为行业内专家和学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚焦光学和光电子学的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。


SOPO2018会议的论文集将由Aussino Academic Publishing House出版并提交EI检索。





Package A:    仅参会(无报告) USD 300(RMB 2000)
Package B:    参会 + 摘要报告 USD 400 (RMB 2500)
Package C:    参会 + 全文发表 + 报告 USD 550 (RMB 3600)

1. 可参加所有会场
2. 会议期间午餐(8月19,20日)
3. 会议期间晚餐(8月19日晚)
4. 会议期间茶歇
5. 会议指南及会议期刊各一本

电子邮箱: sopo@sopoconf.orgRolinrolin@126.com
联系电话: +86-130 1803 5105
QQ: 88431022
微信: engii_Vivian


Laser Technology and Applications
Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics
Gas Lasers and Applications
Solid State Lasers: Technology and Devices
Semiconductor Lasers, Tunable and Multi-wavelength Lasers
Laser Materials, Fabrication and Characterization
Laser Material Processing
Tera-hertz Sources & Detection
Tera-Hertz Propagation
Image Processing
Image Acquisition, Reconstruction, Restoration and Fusion
Image Transformations: Wavelet Theory, Space Theory, Geometrical Transforms and Restoration
Image ysis: Motion Estimation, Segmentation, Object Tracking and Pattern Recognition
Visualization: 3D Visualization, Holography and Display Systems
Image Information Management: Coding, Cryptography, Watermarking, Storage and Retrieval, Resolution Enhancement
Medical Imaging, Surveillance, Security, Remote Sensing and Multimedia
Systems or Devices for Optical and Digital Image Processing
Optical Communications
Optical Fiber Communication
Free-space Optical Communication
Optical Communication Networks
Optical Transport Network
Coding and Signal Processing
Modulating Retro-reflector
Intensity Modulation
Optical Wireless
Optical Carrier
Optoelectronic Devices and Integration
Optical Sensors and Applications
Fiber-optic Sensor and Networks
White LED and Related Technologies
High Performance Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
Advanced Optoelectronics Device Fabrication Technologies
Nonlinear Optical Devices and All-optical Signal Processing
Electro-optic Modulators and Related Advanced Modulation Format Technologies
Advanced Radio-over-fiber Devices and Related Technologies
Intelligent Optoelectronic Devices and Optical Switching
Grating-based Devices and Related Technologies
Nano Technologies and Their Application in Optoelectronics Devices
Slow and Fast Light Devices and Related Technologies
Free-space Communications Related Devices and Technologies
New Optoelectronic Device Materials and Processing
Silicon Photonics
Medical and Biological Applications
Biomedical Optics
Laser Medical Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Optical Coherence Tomography
Advanced Biological Microscopy
Photochemistry and Photobiology
Laser Tissue Interactions and Laser Surgery
Minimally Invasive Optical Diagnostics
Photo-acoustic Techniques
Optics in Biotechnology
Optical-system Engineering for Medicine

