级别: 荣誉元老
UID: 41387
精华: 0
发帖: 436
威望: 37 点
愚愚币: -352 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 1095(小时)
注册时间: 2008-05-05
最后登录: 2012-11-06
楼主  发表于: 2009-12-29 00:26

 Radioanalytical Chemistry Experiments

Book Description
The Laboratory Manual is intended to accompany the Textbook to permit teaching radioytical chemistry to seniors and graduate students in a program that will train radiochemists, who are badly needed at this time. The manual will be used in conjunction with the textbook to teach a 3-hour lecture course and a 6-hour laboratory. The experiments address a range of practical aspects in the radiochemistry laboratory: use of laboratory and radiation detection equipment, performing specific yses for radio-iodine, radio-strontium, uranium, and plutonium, and developing the skill of selecting and testing new procedures.
Product Details
* Plastic Comb: 168 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 6, 2007)
* Language: English
* IN-10: 0387469141
* IN-13: 978-0387469140
Link checked on Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:35 pm

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