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楼主  发表于: 2009-10-19 20:52

 【古董1946巨著】【Dictionary of Organic Compounds (Vol. 1-3) 】【Eyre & Spottiswoode出版】

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全名 Dictionary of Organic Compounds (Vol. 1-3)
作者Ian Heilbron and others
出版单位Eyre & Spottiswoode
IN-10 / ASIN: B000NA96VQ
内容提要The Dictionary of Organic Compounds has built a worldwide reputation as an indispensable reference work over its seventy years of publication. Now on CD-ROM, this carefully edited database contains over 99,000 entries comprising more than 288,500 organic compounds, including descriptive and numerical data on chemical, physical, and biological properties of compounds; systematic and common names of compounds; literature references; structure diagrams; and much more. The database is continually updated with new material (last major update June 2009).
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