级别: 硕士生
UID: 124158
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发帖: 1271
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在线时间: 503(小时)
注册时间: 2014-10-27
最后登录: 2024-09-09
楼主  发表于: 2016-11-23 15:34

 2017年第三届磁学及其应用学术研讨会(MIA 2017)

2017年第三届磁学及其应用学术研讨会(MIA 2017)-1月-泰国曼谷
The 3rd Conference on Magneti and Its Applications (MIA 2017)

2017年第三届磁学及其应用学术研讨会(MIA 2017)将于2017年1月3-5日在泰国曼谷举行。本届大会将特邀国内外磁学及其应用研究领域内的学者专家前来参会,并做出精彩的报告。本次大会旨在为行业内专家和学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚焦磁学及其应用的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。2017年第三届磁学及其应用学术研讨会(MIA 2017)是由多方科研单位及高校共同协办,在领域内享受盛名的国际学术研讨会之一。
所有录用文章将被发表在"Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics" (ISSN:2327-4352),  该期刊使您发表的论文得到最广泛的阅览和传播。详情请点击:http://www.scirp.org/journal/jamp/


Dr. Mostafa Ranjbar                                       Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey                        
Dr. Eugene O. Kamenetskii                          Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Prof. Peng-Sheng Wei                                   National Sun Yat Sen University, Chinese Taipei
Prof. Yuri Penionzhkevich                              Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,, Russia
Prof. Zhuge Yan                                              University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Prof. Farzad Mashayek                                  University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Dr. T.N. Anh Nguyen                                      Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
Prof. Sergey V. Starchenko                           IZMIRAN, Russia
Dr. Volker Müller                                            Coology and Large Scale Structure, AIP, Germany

  Spin electronics & applications (non-recording)
    GMR of multilayers, magnetic contacts and constrictions
    Magnetic tunneling junctions
    Spin transfer torque
    Magnetoresistive and half-metallic materials
    Complex oxides
    Multiferroic materials
    Magnetic semiconductors
    Transport theory and spin injection
    MRAM, magnetic logic and devices
    Organic and carbon-based spin transport
    Spin-orbitronics (spin-pumping, spin Hall, spin Seebeck)
   Magnetic recording
    Recording media
    Patterned media
    Recording heads and materials (GMR, spin-valves, MTJ, inductive heads etc.)
    Recording physics, modeling, theory and testing
    Head-disk interface and tribology
    Recording systems, coding, servo, actuators and channels
    Energy assisted recording
    Magneto-optic, hybrid and novel recording
   Life sciences & applications
    Bio- and chemical magneti
    Biomedical diagnostics and imaging
    Novel biomedical therapies and nanomedicine
    Measurement techniques and instrumentation
   Sensors, MEMS, RF materials & devices
    Magnetic sensors (non-recording) and MEMS
    Magnetoimpedance and high frequency materials
    Magnetodynamics and ferromagnetic resonance
    Thin film inductors
    Microwave and millimeter wavematerials and devices
   Motors, generators, transformers & power devices
    Electromagnetic compatibility
    Transformers and inductors
    Motors, generators and actuators
    Power and control magnetics
    Shielding, levitation and propulsion
   Magnetic thin films & nanostructures
    Ultra-thin films and surface effects
    Multilayer films and superlattices
    Patterned films and elements (non-recording)
    Magnetic nanowires, clusters and nanoparticles
    Exchange bias
   Functional magnetic materials & non-recording applications
    Magneto-optic materials and devices
    Magneto-elastic materials and devices
    Magneto-caloric materials and devices
    Molecular and novel magnetic materials
    Magnetic fluids and separation
   Soft magnetic materials
    Crystalline, nanocrystalline and amorphous materials
    Ferrites, garnets and other materials
    Magneto-dielectric materials or meta-materials
    Permanent magnet materials
    Intermetallic and other hard magnets
    Nanostructured and composite hard magnetic materials
    Rare earth transition metal borides
   Modeling & computational magneti
    Ab-initio and first principles calculations
    Micromagnetics and multiscale modeling
    Hysteresis modeling
   Microscopy, imaging & characterization
    Magnetic and structural measurements and instrumentation
    Magnetic microscopy and imaging
    Magnetization dynamics
    Synchrotron studies
    Processing and characterization of materials in high magnetic fields


1月03日      14:00-16:00              Registration
                    16:00-16:20               Registration
                    16:20-18:00               Registration
1月04日       8:30-10:00               Invited Speech Session
                    10:00-10:20               Coffee Break
                    10:20-12:00               Invited Speech Session  
                    14:00-16:00               Invited Speech Session
                    16:00-16:20               Coffee Break
                    16:20-18:00               Invited Speech Session
1月05日       8:30-10:00               Technical Session
                    10:00-10:20               Coffee Break
                    10:20-12:00               Technical Session  
                    14:00-16:00               Technical Session
                    16:00-16:20               Coffee Break
                    16:20-18:00               Technical Session
1月06日     One-day Tour (at own expense)

Email: pr_engii@163.com
Tel: +86 132 6470 2230
QQ: 3025797047
微信**************: Engii_hw  (**************微信**************进行参会和投稿咨询,获取会议最新消息)

