级别: 副院长
UID: 125101
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发帖: 61
威望: 20 点
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楼主  发表于: 2015-02-27 09:45

 Talk Between the Cow and the Grass

Talk Between the Cow and the Grass
Authored and Translated by Ye Shuishan

Couldn’t I just think if I am not allowed to do
Couldn’t I just dream if I am not permitted to think
You guts are all about thinking
While mine are about dreaming
Which actually are the dormant but poised volcanoes
Inside which are burning and boiling
What is needed is no more than a chance
Or an aftershock from a remote earthquake

Your thinking is probably more daring
My dream, however, is also bold beyond comparing
Yours is a silent monologue inside
And mine a murmuring by a runaway soul
In this fake reality that has been hushed
I need a dream-reader and you a Freud

Don’t just open the water gate to my mind
Don’t just loosen the rope around my soul
Please let me speak, give me a chance to be naked
Even in this heaven sealed by snow storm
I’d be free and easy instead of being lonesome

