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UID: 8513
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楼主  发表于: 2012-09-04 11:24

 Handbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology, and Applications" ed. by K. Hüsnü Can Baş

Handbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology, and Applications" ed. by K. Hüsnü Can Başer, Gerhard Buchbauer
СRС Prеss, Тауlоr & Frаnсis | 2010 | IN: 1420063154 9781420063158 | 994 pages | PDF | 11 MB

Bringing together significant research and market profiles, this unprecedented handbook provides a much-needed compilation of important topics related to the development, use, and marketing of essential oils, including their chemistry and biochemistry. A select group of authoritative experts covers the historical, biological, regulatory, and microbial aspects needed by both researchers and those involved with the marketing of these popular oils used in pharmaceutical, food, health, and beauty products. This reference also covers sources, production, ysis, storage, and transport of oils as well as aromatherapy, pharmacology, toxicology, and metaboli.

New information on essential oils may lead to an increased understanding of their multidimensional uses and better, more ecologically friendly production methods. Reflecting the immense developments in scientific knowledge available on essential oils, this book brings multidisciplinary coverage of essential oils into one all-inclusive resource.

• Covers the chemical diversity in essential oils and the techniques used to yze them
• Explores the biotransformations of essential oil constituents
• Discusses the use of essential oils in perfumery, coetics, feed, food, beverages, and pharmaceutical industries
• Includes a rare compilation of information on applications of essential oils as feed additives and for treating disease in pets and farm animals
• Contains coverage of up-to-date regulations and legislative procedures

1 Introduction
2 History and Sources of Essential Oil Research
3. Sources of Essential Oils
4. Production of Essential Oils
5. Chemistry of Essential Oils
6. ysis of Essential Oils
7. Safety Evaluation of Essential Oils: A Constituent-Based Approach
8. Metaboli of Terpenoids in Animal Models and Humans
9. Biological Activities of Essential Oils
10. Effects of Essential Oils in the Central Nervous System
11. Phytotherapeutic Uses of Essential Oils
12. In Vitro Antimicrobial Activities of Essential Oils Monographed in the European Pharmacopoeia 6th Edition
13. Aromatherapy with Essential Oils
14. Biotransformation of Monoterpenoids by Microorganis, Insects, and Mammals
15. Biotransformation of Sesquiterpenoids, lonones, Damascones, Adamantanes, and Aromatic Compounds by Green Algae, Fungi, and Mammals
16. Industrial Uses of Essential Oils
17. Encapsulation and Other Programmed Release Techniques for Essential Oils and Volatile Terpenes
18. Aroma-Vital Cuisine: Healthy and Delightful Consumption by the Use of Essential Oils
19. Essential Oils Used in Veterinary Medicine
20. Trade of Essential Oils
21. Storage and Transport of Essential Oils
22 Recent EU Legislation on Flavors and Fragrances and Its Impact on Essential Oils
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