级别: 荣誉元老
UID: 56068
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威望: 72 点
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楼主  发表于: 2009-05-24 00:29

 【分享】【分享经典】Fieser's Reagents for Organic Synthesis

管理提醒: 本帖被 haiwenwang 执行加亮操作(2013-10-15)
Fieser's Reagents for Organic Synthesis Volume 1
by: Mary Fieser

Volume 1, Fiesers' Reagents for Organic Synthesis
By Mary Fieser

Publisher:   Wiley-Interscience
Number Of Pages:   1472
Publication Date:   1967-01-01
IN-10 / ASIN:   047125875X
IN-13 / EAN:   9780471258759

Product Description:
The well respected and ever popular Fieser and Fieser series on reagents for organic synthesis provides concise descriptions, good structural formulas and selected examples of applications.
* Provides references to new reagents as well as to reagents included in previous volumes
* Thousands of entries abstract the most important information on commonly used and new reagents, including preparation, uses, sources of supply, critical comments, references and more
* Reagents are considered in alphabetical order by common usage names.
Summary: Excellent Reference Guide for Organic Synthesis
Rating: 5

The quality of the information in these books is priceless. It is the ideal reference book for anyone thinking of entering the field of organic chemistry. Not only does it enplain in detail what most of the simpler reagents do, but it also provides information on specific methods and the pros and cons of each method.
I would suggest that anyone entering their Masters should pick up this book. They will not regret it.

  • 愚愚币:+10(pzjypn005) 谢谢分享
  • 菩提本无树,明镜亦非台!!!

