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楼主  发表于: 2012-12-29 21:40

 Best videos of 2012: First MRI movie of childbirth

The first MRI film of a baby's birth comes in at number 2 in our best videos of 2012 countdown.

It's an up-close view of childbirth as no one has seen it before: for the first time, an MRI movie captures the second stage of labour up to the expulsion of the fetus. Filmed in 2010 by Christian Bamberg and colleagues at Charité University Hospital in Berlin, Germany, the clip was released earlier this year.

The technique, called cinematic MRI, takes several images of body slices to create a highly detailed film. Bamberg and his team hope to use the movie to examine the relationship between fetal position and movement in the birth c.

For more on the breakthrough, read the original article, "Baby's birth captured in MRI movie for the first time". If you enjoyed this post, watch a beatboxer perform inside an MRI machine or take a look at an MRI video of a rambunctious fetus.

