级别: 硕士生
UID: 124158
精华: 0
发帖: 1271
威望: -5 点
愚愚币: 345 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 503(小时)
注册时间: 2014-10-27
最后登录: 2024-09-09
楼主  发表于: 2014-11-10 13:39


The 2nd Computational Mathematics and Applications Conference(CMA 2015)

        Algorithm implementation
        Algorithms and complexity
        Algorithms and Computation for Complex Networks
        Animation of geometric algorithms
        Applications in molecular biology, bioinformatics, granular mechanics, computational physics, biometrics
        Applied computational geometry
        Applied Mathematics and Numerical ysis
        Approximation of functions and quadrature formulas
        Approximation in High Dimensions
        Automated reasoning
        Complex ysis
        Computational algebra
        Computational Fluid Dynamics
        Computational Geometry and Bioinformatics
        Computational mathematics
        Computational manufacturing
        Computational methodology
        Computational methods in bioinformatics
        Computational Spectral Theory
        Computer graphics and image processing
        Computer-aided geometry design
        Constructive mathematics
        Constructive solid geometry
        Control theory
        Data structures (including Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay triangulations)
        Design and ysis of geometric algorithms and data structures
        Discrete and combinatorial geometry and topology
        Domain Decompositions
        Effective differential algebra and applications
        Exact computations
        Experimental evaluation of geometric algorithms and heuristics
        Financial Mathematics & Engineering
        Geographic information systems
        Geometric computations in parallel and distributed environments
        Geometric data structures for mesh generation
        Geometric methods in computer graphics
        High Performance Computing for Biological Modeling and Simulations
        Industrial Mathematics
        Interpolation and surface reconstruction
        Least Squares Finite Element Methods
        Lower bounds on the computational complexity of geometric problems
        Mesh generation
        Mixed Finite Element Methods
        Multiscale Modeling in Mathematical Biology
        Novel Finite Difference and Hybrid Methods for Differential Equations and Integral Problems
        Numerical and algebraic issues arising in implementations
        Numerical performance of geometric algorithms
        Numerical Solution of ODEs
        Numerical solution of differential and integral equations
        Operations research
        Parallel numerical algorithms
        Path planning
        Pattern recognition
        Polynomial systems
        Real algebraic geometry
        Singular Perturbations
        Solid modeling
        Space Partitioning
        Spatial and terrain ysis
        Statistic modeling and Monte Carlo methods
        Theoretical computational geometry
        VLSI routing/layout
        Wavelet and Approximations

All accepted papers will be published by ''Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics" (ISSN: 2327-4352), a peer-reviewed open access journal that can ensure the widest dissemination of your published work

邮箱: math.jan@engii.org  
论坛 : +86 13264702250


