级别: 硕士生
UID: 72914
精华: 0
发帖: 856
威望: 1 点
愚愚币: 0 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 52(小时)
注册时间: 2009-07-24
最后登录: 2013-12-04
楼主  发表于: 2013-10-30 13:05


(Abstract):如果说标题是一项研究的初始感觉,则摘要就是真正深入实质的第一印象。摘要不但能基本反映出研究的水平是否达到了SCI的标准,作者的英文写作水平基本也能反映出来。单就写作角度来说,很多SCIEDIT 编辑评审文章的摘要不具备标准的摘要写作的三层次的逻辑结构:即a)通过简单的背景描述显示当前研究某方面不足;b)由此引申出本研究的目的和研究结果概要;c)通过对上述不足的解决显示本研究的意义所在。下面以我发表在国际知名肿瘤学期刊Oncogene上的一篇文章的摘要为例:
    The histone acetyltransferase TIP60 regulates the DNA damage response following genotoxic stress by acetylating histone and remodeling chromatin (背景概述). However, the molecular mechanis underlying the TIP60-dependent response to UV-induced DNA damage remain poorly understood (当前研究的某一不足之处,此处用 However 以示转折). To systematically yze proteins that regulate TIP60 activity in response to UV irradiation (为解决上述不足提出本研究目的), we performed a proteomic ysis of proteins selectively bound to TIP60 in response to UV irradiation using mass spectrometry and identified a novel regulatory mechani by which TIP60 orchestrates transcriptional activation of p53-dependent checkpoint response in UV-irradiated cells. The initial step of this pathway involves UV-induced association of TIP60 with SUMO-conjugation enzymes and site-specific sumoylation of TIP60 at lysines 430 and 451 via Ubc9. This sumoylation initiates the relocation of TIP60 from nucleopla to the promyelocytic leukemia body, which is essential for the UV-irradiated DNA damage repair response via a p53-dependent pathway. Significantly, inhibition of TIP60 sumoylation by overexpression of non-sumoylatable mutant abrogates the p53-dependent DNA damage response, demonstrating the importance of TIP60 sumoylation in response to UV irradiation. Furthermore, our biochemical characterization demonstrated that the sumoylation of TIP60 augments its acetyltransferase activity in vitro and in vivo (研究手段和主要研究结论的概述。注意这里使用了显示逻辑递进关系的词)。. Thus, this study shed new light on the function and regulation of TIP60 activity in UV-irradiated DNA damage response (研究意义描述。注意在描写研究结论的基础上使用了 Thus,以表明合理的逻辑结论)。


