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 4 costly shopping mistakes

1. Shopping as hobby or sport
There's nothing to do, or you're on vacation or planning an afternoon with some good friends. You opt for shopping. Why is spending money such a rush? Financial expert and newsletter editor Galia Gichon says Americans shop for three main reasons: There's a sale, they're bored, or it's a habit.

2. Cruising for deals online
True shopaholics don't quit simply because they can't get to the store. Instead, the digital age keeps bringing temptation to your doorstep -- or desktop. Financial author and speaker Peter Bielagus says the problem with the information superhighway is it keeps finding new inroads to our wallets.

3. Having to own the latest technology
If you're the type of person who thinks nothing of standing in line half the night to be the first to buy a new gadget or software, then you're stuck in one of the deadliest of spending traps: having to own the latest technology.

4. Mistaking shortcuts for savings
This applies particularly to weekly purchases made at the grocery store. While it's nice to have that salad already made and ready to drop into bowls, you can stretch your cash by purchasing ingredients that require a little elbow grease. "Food that has been 'pre' anything -- chopped, cooked or marinated -- is one of the most expensive ways to purchase (groceries)," says Ellie Kay, the author of "The 60-Minute Money Workout."
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