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 Beauty fixes available in your kitchen

Honey - In addition to being a sweet treat, honey is a fabulous beauty fix in your kitchen. It works wonders for hair and for skin. This versatile, all natural substance works as a humectant, so it keeps your skin hydrated and moisturized, plus it's both an antifungal agent and an antiseptic. If you have acne, random pimples, or other broken blemishes, a blot of honey helps immensely. Mixed with conditioner, it's also an amazing mask for your hair, making it shiny, healthy, and hydrated. Just make sure the mixture is more conditioner than honey, so it won't goo up your hair. If you're careful, you can also cover your lips with a bit before you go to sleep - you won't believe your pout!

Apple Cider Vinegar - If you're looking for a natural exfoliant, look no further! Applying apple cider vinegar to your skin is the next best thing to an expensive chemical peel, and you won't need to visit a dermatologist. All you do is soak a cotton pad or ball and dab vinegar over your face. Keep it away from your eyes, of course! You'll need to let it remain for 30-45 minutes, after which you rinse and then apply some olive oil to soothe your skin and leave it supple.

White Sugar - You might be trying to cut sugar out of your diet, but it's still one of the best beauty fixes in your kitchen! It's ideal for exfoliation. Sugar scrubs are delightful, whether you use them on your skin or your lips. All you have to do is rub a handful of sugar into your skin, using a soft cloth to aid you. You may even want to mix it into your body wash!

alt - Here's something a little less sweet you can use in a variety of ways. Salt, like sugar, is one of the most versatile kitchen beauty fixes you can find in your kitchen. It, too, is fantastic for exfoliation, especially when used in the same way as sugar. Mind you, it's much better to use sea salt rather than ordinary table salt. Use it when your skin is dry, and make sure you moisturize when you're finished. If you have facial blemishes, you might try mixing the sea salt with honey, which creates a paste you apply to the problem areas. I've been told it stings, but works like a dream. A bit if sea salt in your shampoo is also fantastic for your hair - but not if you've recently colored it, especially if you used a shade of red!
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