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楼主  发表于: 2012-09-06 06:21

 Workout at your desk with these easy exercises

Turn your office into a gym with these stealth workout moves. You can do them discreetly at your desk and get toned on the sly while answering your emails. Multitasking never looked so good...
Chair lifts
Sitting in your chair, lift one leg off your seat and extend it straight out, hold for 2 seconds and then lower your foot to just above the floor and hold for another 2 seconds. Switch legs and do 15 reps on each.
Ab squeezes
Make sure you are sitting up straight with your back away from your chair. Try and pull your belly button in towards your spine, while breathing into your ribs. Hold for 30 seconds. Do twice an hour.
Oblique twists
Tilt your torso to the left and hold that position for 30 seconds. Reverse and do the other side.
Inner thigh clenches
Focus on your inner thigh muscles, contract them as much as you can, and hold for 5 seconds. Relax and repeat between 12 and 20 times, then swich to the other leg. Repeat throughout the day.
The lower half toner
Lift your thigh up off your chair slowly, keeping your lower leg at a 90 degree angle and return back to the floor slowly. Sit up straight and pull your stomach muscles in as you do it. You should feel the pull in your stomach, hips and thighs.
Don’t forget your pelvic floor!
Sneak in a few Kegal exercises – tighten, hold, then loosen your pelvic floor muscles. These will increase the intensity of your orgas and make sure your muscles are strong if you ever have children.
Thigh burner
Pop something in between your thighs – your jumper, a stress ball, a newspaper and squeeze together as tight as possible whilst sitting up straight and tightening your ab muscles. Hold and release. Repeat 20 times for 3 sets.
Buns of steel
Just because you're sitting on your bum all day, doesn’t mean it can’t be defined. Do some butt clenches at your desk by tightening your buttocks, then hold for three seconds and release. Repeat 15 times.
And relax…
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