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楼主  发表于: 2012-09-01 05:05

 7 rules for younger looking skin

We’re bombarded daily with lotions, potions and theories on how to stop our skin aging – it can all get very confusing.
However there are some simple rules you can follow to ensure your skin stays looking lovely for many years to come.
Talking to Science Daily, certified dermatologist Susan Taylor explained that it’s not how much your products cost, it’s how you use them that makes the difference.
Here are her top tips for beautiful skin…
1. Wear suncream everyday
The sun’s rays can accelerate signs of aging – so use a suncream or a moisturiser which has broad-spectrum protection and an SPF of at least 30. Use it every day and apply to all skin not covered by clothes.
2. Do not tan
If you hit the sunbeds or sun worship, you are exposing your skin to harmful UV rays that speed up aging and cause wrinkles, age spots, a blotchy complexion and even skin cancer.
3. Always moisturise
Moisturising traps water in the skin which helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and can make your complexion look younger and brighter.
4. Test products
It doesn’t matter how much your products cost – what is most important is they suit your skin. Make sure you test all products, even those that say ‘hypoallergenic’.
Just dab a all amount on your inner forearm twice a day for four days. If you do not have a reaction, it is safe to use on your face.
5. Use as directed
Never apply more than the product tells you to – it can do more harm than good, as too much of the active ingredients can damage your skin and it can lead to clogged pores and a blotchy complexion.
6. If it burns - stop using it!
Unless directed by a dermatologist, if you put a product on your skin and it burns or itches – stop using it. Irritating the skin makes signs of aging more visible.
7. Don’t use too many products
Using too many products on your skin, especially more than one anti-aging product can irritate it.
"It's very important that people allow time for the product to work. While a moisturiser can immediately plump up fine lines, most products take at least six weeks to work and sometimes it can take three months," explains Dr. Taylor.
Thanks Doc!
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