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楼主  发表于: 2015-02-06 17:14

 Decline in antibiotic resistance and changes in the serotype distribution of Streptococcus pneumonia

管理提醒: 本帖被 chmgsqa 从 外文期刊互助 移动到本区(2015-03-04)
【作者】Kempf M1, Varon E2, Lepoutre A3, Gravet A1, Baraduc R1, Brun M1, Chardon H1, Cremniter J1, Croizé J1, Dalmay F4, Demachy MC1, Fosse T1, Grelaud C1, Hadou T1, Hamdad F1, Koeck JL1, Luce S4, Mermond S1, Patry I1, Péchinot A1, Raymond J1, Ros A1, Segonds C1, Soullié B1, Tandé D1, Vergnaud M1, Vernet-Garnier V1, Wallet F1, Gutmann L2, Ploy MC1, Lanotte P5.
【文章标题】Decline in antibiotic resistance and changes in the serotype distribution of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from children with acute otitis media; a 2001-2011 survey by the French Pneumococcal Network.
【期刊名,年份,卷(期),起止页*****】Clin Microbiol Infect. 2015 Jan;21(1):35-42. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2014.08.009. Epub 2014 Oct 12.

