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mplsxi1 2019-04-19 15:01

    【作者】(必须) Morena M1, Jaussent A2, Chalabi L3, Leray-Moragues H4, Chenine L4, Debure A5, Thibaudin D6, Azzouz L7, Patrier L8, Maurice F9, Nicoud P10, Durand C11, Seigneuric B12, Dupuy AM13, Picot MC2, Cristol JP14, Canaud B15; FRENCHIE Study Investigators.
    【文章标题】(必须) Treatment tolerance and patient-reported outcomes favor online hemodiafiltration compared to high-flux hemodialysis in the elderly
    【期刊名,年份,卷(期),起止页*****】Kidney Int. 2017 Jun;91(6):1495-1509. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2017.01.013. Epub 2017 Mar 18.

szm 2019-04-19 15:03
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