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zoutiande 2019-04-19 16:13

【作者】Chen H 1, Xiong L , Wang N , Liu X , Hu W , Yang Z , Jiang Y , Zheng G , Ouyang K , Wang W
    【文章标题】Chimonanthus nitens Oliv. leaf extract exerting anti-hyperglycemic activity by modulating GLUT4 and GLUT1 in the skeletal muscle of a diabetic mouse model
    【期刊名,年份,卷(期),起止页*****】Food Funct. 2018 Sep 19;9(9):4959-4967. doi: 10.1039/c8fo00954f.
    【全文链接】 https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2018/fo/c8fo00954f/unauth#!divAbstract

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