Organic Electrochemistry, Fourth Edition
By Henning Lund and Ole Hammerich
"…demonstrative of the use of possibilities of electrochemistry in the synthesis of complex compounds…." -- Perkin Transactions 1
"Outstanding praise for previous editions. . . . . .the single best general reference for the organic chemist."
---Journal of the Electrochemical Society
"The cast of editors and authors is excellent, the text is, in general, easily readable and understandable, well documented, and well indexed....those who purchase the book will be satisfied with their acquisition."
---Journal of Polymer Science
"This book is definitely an inevitable one for research laboratory libraries and a 'bible' for those who serve in this field....a valuable addition for college and university libraries."
---Bulletin of Electrochemistry
". . .an excellent reference....The editors should be congratulated on a job well done. The authors are first rate and experts in their field. The book is recommended to all interested in the fields of organic as well as electrochemistry."
---Journal of Liquid Chromatography