2017年12月1日是第30个世界艾滋病日,今年宣传主题为(Increasing Impact through Transparency, Accountability, and Partnerships),该主题强调了如何提高影响力,使流行病从危机向控制转移。联合国艾滋病规划署最新发布的报告显示,2016年底全球约有3670万人感染HIV,2016年新增感染人数为180万人,相当于每日新增感染人数约5000人。HIV感染及艾滋病仍然是全球面临的重要公共卫生问题。据估计,至2020年每年需花费262亿美元,才可能实现2030年消除艾滋病这一全球目标。
1.Hepatitis C co-infection is associated with an increased risk of incident chronic kidney disease in HIV-infected patients initiating combination antiretroviral therapy
2.Realizing Universal Health Coverage in East Africa: the relevance of human rights
3.Detection of lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in urine is an independent predictor of mortality risk in patients receiving treatment for HIV-associated tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-ysis
4.The effects of beliefs about AIDS-related death on quality of life in Chinese married couples with both huand and wife infected with HIV: examining congruence using the actor-partner interdependence model
5.Concordance between self-reported and measured HIV and hepatitis C virus infection status among people who inject drugs in Germany
6.Specification of implementation interventions to address the cascade of HIV care and treatment in resource-limited settings: a systematic review
7.Trends in healthcare expenditure among people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States: evidence from 10 Years of nationally representative data
8.Breast milk and in utero tranission of HIV-1 select for envelope variants with unique molecular signatures
9.Prospecting for an HIV vaccine
10.Mucus and Mucins: do they have a role in the inhibition of the human immunodeficiency virus?
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