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UID: 75974
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楼主  发表于: 2009-10-17 10:59

 【Inorganic Chemistry (3rd Edition)】【Catherine Housecroft Alan G. Sharpe 】

Inorganic Chemistry (3rd Edition)

作者:Catherine Housecroft Alan G. Sharpe
出版社:Prentice Hall 出版日期:2007年12月
页数:1136 装帧:
开本: 版次:
商品编号:2254289 IN:013175553 定价:1522元
A market leading textbook offering a fresh and engaging approach to the teaching of modern inorganic chemistry while giving a clear, well-balanced introduction to the key principles of the subject. The full-colour text design with three dimensional illustrations brings the subject to life. Throughout the book students are able to reinforce their learning with the use of worked examples and self-study exercises. Numerous applications and topic boxes also relate the chemistry to everyday life.


1 Basic concepts: atoms

2 Basic concepts: molecules

3 Nuclear properties

4 An introduction to molecular symmetry

5 Bonding in polyatomic molecules

6 Structures and energetics of metallic and ionic solids

7 Acids, bases and ions in aqueous solution

8 Reduction and oxidation

9 Non-aqueous media

10 Hydrogen

11 Group 1: the alkali metals

12 The group 2 metals

13 The group 13 elements

14 The group 14 elements

15 The group 15 elements

16 The group 16 elements

17 The group 17 elements

18 The group 18 elements

19 Organometallic compounds of s- and p- block elements

20 d-Block chemistry: general considerations

21 d-Block metal chemistry: coordination complexes

22 d-Block chemistry: the first row metals

23 d-Block metal chemistry: the second and third row metals

24 Organometallic compunds of d-block elements

25 The f-block metals: lanthanoids and actinoids

26 d-Block metal complexes: reaction mechanis

27 Catalysis and some industrial processes

28 Some aspects of solid state chemistry

29 The trace metals of life


Answers to non-descriptive problems



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