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UID: 2235
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楼主  发表于: 2009-11-14 10:59

 Metamaterials: Theory, Design, and Applications

管理提醒: 本帖被 silverks 执行加亮操作(2009-11-15)

Metamaterials: Theory, Design, and Applications
by: Tie Jun Cui, David R. ith, Ruopeng Liu

Metamaterials: Theory, Design, and Applications
By Tie Jun Cui, David R. ith, Ruopeng Liu

Publisher:   Springer
Number Of Pages:   367
Publication Date:   2009-12-01
IN-10 / ASIN:   1441905723
IN-13 / EAN:   9781441905727

Product Description:

Metamaterials:Theory, Design, and Applications goes beyond left-handed materials (LHM) or negative index materials (NIM) and focuses on recent research activity. Included here is an introduction to optical transformation theory, revealing invisible cloaks, EM concentrators, beam splitters, and new-type antennas, a presentation of general theory on artificial metamaterials composed of periodic structures, coverage of a new rapid design method for inhomogeneous metamaterials, which makes it easier to design a cloak, and new developments including but not limited to experimental verification of invisible cloaks, FDTD simulations of invisible cloaks, the microwave and RF applications of metamaterials, sub-wavelength imaging using anisotropic metamaterials, dynamical metamaterial systems, photonic metamaterials, and magnetic plaon effects of metamaterials.


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