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楼主  发表于: 2010-06-11 17:17

 How to Use Excel in Analytical Chemistry and in General Scientific Data Analysis

How to Use Excel in ytical Chemistry and in General Scientific Data ysis

‘It is a oothly written, excellent tutorial about how such spreadsheets are created, and thus how you can create your own quite complex spreadsheets … a very good book. No ytical chemistry teacher, no serious ytical chemistry student, should fail to acquire this book.’ Roy W. Clark, Chem. Educator
‘… this book is a welcome addition to my shelves. It is not for the fainthearted, with many complex calculations examined, but that is how it should be, for the complexity comes not from the way it is written, but from the subject matter tackled.’ Pete Biggs, Chemistry and Industry
‘… the book has also made me reappraise the power of spreadsheets in allowing scientists to visualise complex numerical data. I would happily recommend it to those interested in applying mathematical methods to chemistry, but who perhaps lack full command of a programming language.’ Chemistry in Britain

Book Description
Spreadsheets provide one of the most easily learned routes to scientific computing. This book uses Excel®, the most powerful spreadsheet available, to explore and solve problems in general and chemical data ysis. It follows the usual sequence of college textbooks in ytical chemistry: statistics, chemical equilibria, pH calculations, titrations, and instrumental methods such as chromatography, spectrometry, and electroysis. The text contains many examples of data ysis, and uses spreadsheets for numerical simulations and testing ytical procedures. It treats modern data ysis methods such as linear and nonlinear least squares in great detail, as well as methods based on Fourier transformation. It shows how matrix methods can be powerful tools in data ysis, and how easily these are implemented on a spreadsheet. It describes in detail how to simulate chemical kinetics on a spreadsheet. It also introduces the reader to the use of VBA, the macro language of Microsoft Office, which lets the user import higher-level computer programs into the spreadsheet.



