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楼主  发表于: 2010-07-10 14:51

 Engineering Thin Films and Nanostructures with Ion Beams by: Emile Knystautas

管理提醒: 本帖被 silverks 执行加亮操作(2010-12-27)
Engineering Thin Films and Nanostructures with Ion Beams by: Emile Knystautas

Engineering Thin Films and Nanostructures with Ion Beams by: Emile Knystautas
Publisher: CRC Press | 1 edition (6 April 2005) | IN: 082472447X | Pages: 592 | PDF | 31 MB

The use of a directed-energy ion beam is finding novel industrial applications that require the custom tailoring of new materials and devices, including magnetic storage devices, photonics, opto-electronics, and molecular transport. From the basics of the ion-beam modification of materials to state-of-the-art applications, Engineering Thin Films and Nanostructures with Ion Beams provides a complete retrospective of the technology and illustrates the wider landscape for which ion beam techniques are becoming increasingly applicable. It includes a CD-ROM with video clips from an electron microscope that details crater formation and annealing by ion beams.

While ion-beam techniques have been used to create thin films in the semiconductor industry for several decades, these methods have been too costly for other surface treatment applications. However, as manufacturing devices become increasingly aller, the use of a directed-energy ion beam is finding novel industrial applications that require the custom tailoring of new materials and devices, including magnetic storage devices, photonics, opto-electronics, and molecular transport. Engineering Thin Films and Nanostructures with Ion Beams offers a thorough narrative of the recent advances that make this technology relevant to current and future applications

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