管理提醒: 本帖被 kiteseas 执行锁定操作(2011-06-11)
1.Miller, Thomas A.; Witter, David J.; Belvedere, Sandro. Preparation of thiophene and benzothiophene hydroxamic acid derivatives as histone deacetylase inhibitors. PCT Int. Appl. (2005), 177 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2005034880 A2 20050421 CAN 142:392278 AN 2005:346815 CAPLUS
2.Mabire, Dominique; Adelinet, Christophe Denis; Csoka, Imre Christian; Venet, Marc Gaston. Preparation of N-[(imidazolyl- and triazolylalkyl)phenyl]acetamides and ogs as retinoid metaboli inhibitors. PCT Int. Appl. (1999), 75 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 9929674 A1 19990617 CAN 131:44827 AN 1999:388171 CAPLUS